Friday's Ride Photos


We followed basically the same route as in 2002


At the New York Line - 8am



Already a little wet, but ready to ride!




At a construction stop climbing up US-20 in the Berkshires.



Berkshire Summit



A joyful moment, when the road heads down after miles of climbing.



Huckleberry's, Huntington, MA



Our 10 AM muffin break at Huckleberry's, from which the Friday ride got its name.



Route 66[6], West of Northampton



Thus begins a nasty 2-1/2 mile climb.



Atkin's Farms, South Amherst, MA



Carl at lunch.



US-20 Just West of Sturbridge



Uh, I think you need to lose the "R."



Rest Area just West of Sturbridge



A group shot prior to David's arrival as the caboose.





David with his Canada Metal (Pacific) Ltd water bottle (shameless plug!).



Sturbridge Host Hotel - 3:30 pm



How did Carl stay clean while David got filthy?




The B-Czar B-Stees are always a good show. They also give out temporary tattoos and raise big dollars for the PMC.




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