Saturday, August 2, 2008

110 Miles: Sturbridge to Bourne, MA

In the starting pen, 6am:

with the other 2,800 riders who started in Sturbridge.


Billy Starr, the founder of the PMC, is just above the flag delivering his pep talk.

Franklin School Water Stop:

This group of inflatable people has been 'growing' each year - we think they make a great welcoming committee to the second water stop of the day.

Cherry Street, Wrentham:

Unparalleled support and enthusiasm.


She's on Cherry Street every year...

Lunch Stop, Dighton-Rehoboth High School:

Carl found a couple of our favorite signs propped against the ambulance.

Apponequet High School Water Stop:

Here's a gathering spot for Seth's pedal partners. The pedal partner program pairs teams of riders with Jimmy Fund clinic patients as a support group.

The Over The Hill Cheerleaders:

This year Carl and Mike found them celebrating world championships.


Neck Road, 92 miles:

We stopped to get a fifth anniversary photo of where David's head trauma had occurred. This lady promptly ran over from her family's tent with a banana and a bottle of cold water. Supporters along the route are a total joy.

Decas School Water Stop:

Another thoughtful addition: a misting set-up at the last and (usually) hottest water stop. Carl revels in the cooling spray.

Massachusetts Maritime Academy, 110 miles for the day:

This is what the end of a good riding day looks like.


Later in the afternoon a strong thunderstorm hit, buffeting the tent. In the foreground is a support pole that was knocked down by the weather.


Here's the tent crew resetting the other pole that was knocked loose.


Here's Mike with Andy and Karen. Andy's a long-time PMCer with his own website. Karen, his girlfriend, was a surprise rider from Wellesley this year.


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